View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Pronounciation - Why don't teachers correct black kids when the pronounce words wrong?
shirley boorsma - 2008-05-20

It has been going on too long for strength to be said as strenth or as ask to be said as ax.

I know it is because they have parents or grand parents or people who care for them that say this.

There are words such as looked that are said as lookeded and loved as loveded.

Are the teachers afraid to say anything to these students. The teacher should tell the class at the beginning of the year she is going to correct any word that is pronounced wrong. If that offends any parents well get over it!

How do these parents think there is a better life for their kids if they can't speak correctly?

This is not a matter of ebonics it is a matter of correct speech and is demanded of white students as well.

If you can't pronounce words then you can't spell words.

We have enough problem with non-english speaking people. There is no excuse for people who live here not to pronounce words correctly. You may only know a few but these few need to be pronounced correctly. I wouldn't hire anyone that couldn't speak correctly. So don't feel sorry for yourself and get busy and learn!

Messages In This Thread
Pronounciation - Why don't teachers correct black kids when the pronounce words wrong? -- shirley boorsma -- 2008-05-20
Look Who's Talking! -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-05-23
Re: Pronounciation - Why don't teachers correct black kids when the pronounce words wrong? -- James McAllister -- 2008-05-22
CorrectionRe: Pronounciation - Why don't teachers correct black kids when the pronounce words wrong? -- James McAllister -- 2008-05-22
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