View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: It's too late for Sichuan victims, but schools usually teach students the WRONG lesson!
Kevin - 2008-05-20

Yes this might be true that the children were found underneath their collapsed desks but have you been in a classroom in a Chinese public school. In the majority of these classrooms there are only these weak desks for a class for 60 to 80 students. Not a lot of room for anything else. I feel that one of the questions that needs to be asked is "why did so many of the schools fall down completely while other buildings did not receive nearly as much structural damage?" This was not true in every city but if many of them it was the norm. No matter what the answer is it is a very sad day for too many families here. Our hearts go out to you China.

Messages In This Thread
It's too late for Sichuan victims, but schools usually teach students the WRONG lesson! -- aikyu999 -- 2008-05-19
Re: It's too late for Sichuan victims, but schools usually teach students the WRONG lesson! -- Kevin -- 2008-05-20
Re: It's too late for Sichuan victims, but schools usually teach students the WRONG lesson! -- Kevin -- 2008-05-21
Re: It's too late for Sichuan victims, but schools usually teach students the WRONG lesson! -- dell -- 2008-05-19
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