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Spy vs. Spy - 2008-06-01


You said: As for students, last week I gave oral English tests to 150 students. Some of them said to me, " Please don't fail me Teacher, I am very nervous, I think I am going to fail, my English is not very well". Can you imagine a student in Australia, Canada or Britain saying this to a lecturer or teacher? Some students in this country (especially boys) have got serious problems.

I say: So? Did you fail the ones that did not pass the test or did you, as I suspect, pocket a little extra beer money and pass the entire class? You are a complete louse. You are an Aussie; you might know a little about Australia but I doubt that you know anything about Canada or the UK. You know even less about China and the Chinese. Pack your bags, boy; the PSB will be knocking on your door in the very near future.

You said: "If a teacher is out getting drunk or screwing whores every night, who cares, as long as it does not affect their teaching ability."

I say: I can think of a few of reasons it might be the students business. I can think of reasons it might be the schools business. I can think of many reasons it might be the business of the parents of the student.

I have an image of you modeling pampers, spitting up Gerber's baby food, wearing a hardhat and tool belt, having your locks trimmed, pointing to young Chinese women and shouting; "Wow, baby, you're HOT! OK, that takes care of your work history and your views on life.

There are only two things that you know about; chasing skirts and drinking! Your brain is lodged somewhere in your BVD's. And, the only taste you have is for beer. You are vile.

Messages In This Thread
Re: more of the same -- Spy vs. Spy -- 2008-06-01
Re: more of the same -- Jerome -- 2008-06-01
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