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Allen - 2008-06-17
In response to The Hostile Teaching Environment in China (Yingwen Laoshi)

What exactly do you mean by "qualified" teachers? Does that mean being certified to teach in one's own country, such as possessing a public school teaching credential? Does having something like an MA TESOL or MEd make one qualified?

I taught in China with only a BA, TEFL certificate, and years of experience in sales. I definitely felt some hostility, especially from Chinese teachers who seemed to resent our existence and were very condescending. For most of my classes I didn't even have a textbook. I eventually quit out of frustration and vowed to never teach in a situation like that ever again. It's a shame because I thought I was a decent teacher and really cared about my students. I found the only way I could have survived was to become apathetic because there was no way I was going to change anything. Why work in an environment where you aren't respected or where you bang your head against the wall in frustration?

I can't blame FTs for not taking TEFL seriously, especially in Asia. EFL has been so completely bastardized that anyone going over there with altruistic intentions will be totally disillusioned by the end of their first week, if not sooner.

Messages In This Thread
The Hostile Teaching Environment in China -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-06-14
Re: The Hostile Teaching Environment in China -- Allen -- 2008-06-17
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