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jersey - 2008-06-17

What is it about this forum and insults? Can't anybody hold a civilised conversation?!
China has its faults just like any other country in the world and I don't condone their treatment of animals for one minute especially dogs. I was only in North East China for one year, but I didn't encounter the Chinese people willing to eat their own kind, especially the children. We as Westerners have this Ayran race type arrogance thinking that we are better than other nations especially Asians and Africans. However what about the war on Iraq and other issues such as hunting? We ought to take a look at our countries and the way we treat others before we condemn somewhere like China. There are a lot of things good in China and there are a few problems, but how can we Westerners wail about human rights when we have created war .etc. in other places and turned a blind eye?!
I haven't seen the Chinese wage war on innocent people across the world, they are mostly a practical people and see wars as waste and unnecessary. If you go to a foreign country, you respect their views, culture and so on, if you don't like it then don't live there, it's as simple as that. "When in Rome, do what the Romans do!!!"

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Re: Buck it all - Teachers Discussion -- jersey -- 2008-06-17
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