View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › ADVICE FOR GETTING OUT OF VERY BAD SCHOOL IN CHINA
Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) - 2008-06-26

Please reply to my email - crazycrazyworld@live.co.uk - I am new to China so wasn't aware of the pitfalls here.

I need some good advise please. I signed a one year contract with English First. After one month it became obvious the school was just a big money making machine and had no real interest in it's students or staff.

I informed the school I wasn't happy and would like to find work in a better school. They said that if I did leave I would have to pay over 9500 RMB!!

They said that if I did not pay this fine then they would call the police.

My only option is to run away from the school.

Now here is my problem - I am not sure if the school is trying to scare me or are telling the truth but they told me that if I decide to run away from the school I will not be able to work elsewhere in China because they won't issue me with release papers and I will have to go back to my country of origin.

Again, they said they would get the police if indeed I left without telling them.

Is what they are saying true? Which organisations can help me get out of my employment without being hit by a huge bill? Should I pay the money and cut my losses and go to another Chinese school? Is the same thing likely to happen again at another school?

(For those who thinking fleeing a bad school is unacceptable - excuse me, these people are denying me my basic right to walk away from employment I don't like because they don't give a damn about teaching and treat me like dirt. Now they threaten me with a huge bill and if I don't pay it they will call the police - like I am a criminal - which I am not!)

Aren't these people absolutely horrible!! They have me over a barrel which is a really demeaning place to be.

There must be someone who can help me get out of this mess.

If employers in China treat foreign teachers like this, maybe I should just go home, but then wouldn't it be pointless travelling over 3000 miles to get here?

No sarcastic comments please. Stupid English First has put me through enough.

From Crazy Girl - crazycrazyworld@live.co.uk

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ADVICE FOR GETTING OUT OF VERY BAD SCHOOL IN CHINA -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-26
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