View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won't let me leave
Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) - 2008-06-26

English First in China is an evil, evil school. It care's nothing about it's students but simply want's their money. It also is trying to rip me off.

Unfortunately, as a new teacher I signed a one year contract with them. I was appalled by the school and the way it operates. When I said I wanted to leave as I wasn't happy, the manager told me I had to pay over 9000 RMB or they would call the police.

They have provided a resident permit and visa for me, but have told me if I leave the visa will be cancelled and I WILL NOT be able to work elsewhere in China. Again, they said they would call the police.

I wish to stay in China but work elsewhere. It is not fair for me to have to pay such a large amount of money and be treated in such a way.

Please advise me - Is it true that if I leave without paying the money I will be prevented from working at other schools elsewhere in China?

Be grateful for any advise.

From Crazy Girl

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English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won't let me leave -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-26
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