View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won
Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) - 2008-06-28

Well I can't say too much about the details of what happened at the school because maybe there are many creeps from EF probably trawling this site and would love to grass me up to the school and then they will probably kick me out on the street and leave me homeless like they did to the last teacher.

With regards to proof I will try to get the other lady they made homeless and stole her money to write an email and I will post it.

If you read this forum you will know that many of these trecherous franchise schools do try to make money and screw the teachers.

You sound like one of these DOS's from one of these schools. Has China tried to currupt you too? It's a shame you are on the side of the fat cats and so optimistic that these underhanded schools in China don't exist - you probably think it's all a myth. Or you are taking a cut of the money too??

It is good to have another point of view I guess. I am happy to pay for my own airfare but all the other bills and fines they want to hit me with are unreasonable.

We will see what happens and I will keep everyone posted.

Messages In This Thread
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-28
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- yingyu laoshi -- 2008-06-28
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-29
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- yingyu laoshi -- 2008-06-30
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