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yingyu laoshi - 2008-06-30
In response to Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won (Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!))

HI - crazy girl, I have to say that, I use simple English, my language is not sophisticated. But for me it is not difficult to find a school in China. Luckily,schools and kids like me and very often my students are happy with me and my teaching. They like me maybe I am simple, or maybe pretty kind or they just like my teaching methodology.. I don't know but I am rarely refused when I am interviewed by a interviewer. Now, let's get to the point. This is my 4th year in China...

My situation is similar to yours in some cases. I didn't post a complaint or report here, because thought one or two posts wouldn't be enough to express what I went through at the time. I was hurt too much.

The school I worked for is a private school. It is in a very remote and cold place. I can't say that everything was bad there about that school. There are some nice moments I had there(My chinese colleagues were nice to me and I had a close friend, she used to visit me.) And my classes .. my students loved them and I never got any complaint from schools Iworked for, when some of foreign teachers did). The manager used to praise me and take to restaurants -lol, I was broadcasted even on TV 2 times and attended the wedding party and even sang a song... lol.)I worked
there almost one year.I was one of the best teachers there. I used to teach both high and primary school students.I am not interested in night bars ,night life and other things like that. I can live without that all. Everyone has a reason to be here right.. So I have my own reasons..I mean I could be happy in that school and sign a contract for another year too. I could tolerate everything(bad housing conditions, being under control of the manager,having no privacy, live with a chinese girl and her boyfriend in one room, having classes without a day off and many other things.. f.e. I was told not to leave my room after 4 p.m.)except cold. It was extremely cold there. Winter lasts 5-6 months> The school is in the north, in heilongjiang. Schools in the north have heaters and very much adapted to cold. Alas, my room was cold. Heaters didn't heat. I suffered a lot, I was always sick. I couldn't sleep at nights.,My back hurt much. When I said it to the manager, he didn't take it seriously.Later I couldn't move my arms so he took me to the hospital. Fortunately, it was during a winter vacation. And I was able to see the doctor and had a massage(the massage lasted 2 months). I was worried because didn't want to miss the classes and in that condition I wouldn't have taught properly. That would create more problems to me. I had to finish my contract at the end of november. In september I got sick again - lol- but it was not funny at the time, Ihad a fever and cough , cough and cough.. I went to hospital and took injections, took lot's of medicine. It didn't help. Iwas so unhappy, I thought I got tuberculosis or something serious.(Because whenever I return home(my country) I am sick. In 2006,Iwent back to my country from Daqing with pneumonia.

And I stayed in the hospital about two weeks.Fortunately,Icompletely recovered.)I thought " this time it is serious - I can not get rid of this cough" So I was so desperate and decided to leave the school, first Iwanted to go back to my country then I thought - why should I - i might feel better if I move to the south or somewhere east in China.

I was a good teacher and the manager would understand Iwould request him to end my contract one month earlier. Just One month...Oh Iwas so mistaken.. that man"good boss" turned to Evil. I regretted that I openly had talked about my problem. They couldn't appreciate my honesty towards them. I came up to him one month earlier in October. Because they used to say - if you leave tell us one month earlier -, so that we would be able to find another FT.

He thought that I want to break my contract, because I already found a better school and wanted to leave the place. He said "NO WAY" Then I was asked to come to his office and take some more injections. He cured me during one week. After... I said no sorry I don't want to stay here and trouble you always. I am always sick here. He said 'Fine" go but go to your country..He also said he gave me visa and a residence permit so I have to work only for him. I didn't get my salary for October.The school called other foreign teachers to get their money. I was not called to the office they simply hid it from me. I didn't know who to ask who to call. The teachers I knew worked for "him" and wouldn't have helped me and I
even didn't try to ask them.

I remember , I went to the office and saw my other collegues getting money, it was so unfair , the school
didn't expect me to come , Lol they even said 'why are you here" I said I came to get my salary. So.. That day I argued, cried but didn't get money. The manager was in his office and playing "Madiang".

He didn't talk to me. He was so busy with his friends. I left that school without saying to anybody, leaving my October month and air ticket money to the Boss.

Noone stole my money and kicked me out...

Finally I am finishing a "boring novel" lol, I am sure it happened not only to me... I really felt bad at the time. Maybe Icouldn't describe it well. For me schools in china are same, what i mean is there are always some good and bad things in every school. I worked in several schools in China. The school might be good, you might have lot's of privacy, but at the same time you have bad students. Or vice versa..........

Messages In This Thread
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-28
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- yingyu laoshi -- 2008-06-28
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-29
Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- yingyu laoshi -- 2008-06-30
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