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Franklee - 2008-07-01

Actually, it's the same old song and dance. Teacher finds herself in a seemingly untenable position. Employer balks at her demands and pushes back harder than she pushes. Common ground is not sought and is, therefore, not found. Compromise becomes a vague notion in the mind of both parties, but because there has already been a breakdown in the communication it is not pursued.

Often, grievances that start out small grow large when the above scenario unfolds. The proverbial ant hill becoming a mountain. Granted, there are grievances based on huge oversights on the Chinese side. Even then, though, it should be realized that when you attack someone at thirty miles an hour they are apt to attack back at forty. Thus, there is wisdom to be found in the art of Aikido. If you are attacked at thirty miles an hour, join in or blend at thirty. Under this scenario, there is a possibility of sharing a perspective.

We often condemn the approach of administrators while at the same time trying to teach them a lesson. Basically, they don't want to be taught anything - they just want the problem to go away so that they can move on. Big nose foreigners seem overly antagonistic. Observe how Chinese deal with problems as they barter. Or better yet as they argue over who's to blame in a traffic accident. Rarely does it get too out of hand, and ultimately a solution is found that seems agreeable to both parties. Yes, there is a pecking order that comes into play here, but that's another issue. Albeit, when a foreigner falls into dispute with their employer, it is commonly a situation that could be resolved were the foreigner not to come off so indignantly. It appears on the Chinese side of things as if the foreigner's demands are based on their rightful compensation as a Westerner who deserves special consideration. It may be a false perception, but it mitigates the potential for peaceful resolution. This doesn't mean that the foreigner need humble themselves too much, but it does suggest a less dramatic approach would be more feasible.

Finally, when a situation has unfolded that requires litigation, so be it. A calm approach will usually win the day. Foreigners generally win in court, but not if they have been antagonistic from the get go. Also, never show your hand - recognize that you do have the winning cards - but don't think that flashing them about will accomplish anything. A confrontational attitude against the Chinese is a foolish stance that will only bring on more trouble than you can handle. Imagine how far a Chinese person would get in your own country were they to suddenly go bananas.

"Vanquish your foes by always keeping yourself in a safe and unassailable position; then no one will suffer any losses. The Way of a Warrior, the Art of Politics, is to stop trouble before it starts. It consists in defeating your adversaries spiritually by making them realize the folly of their actions. The Way of a Warrior is to establish harmony."
Morihei Ueshiba

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Re: English First demand over 9000 RMB from me or they will call police - they won -- Franklee -- 2008-07-01
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