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FrankLee - 2008-07-03

As to the idea of substance; most of your posts, including this one are meaningless digressions that focus on the negatives that some people encounter by not having done even a modicum amount of research.

That you would label something ridiculous because you can't relate to it, only further exposes your absence of cultural sensitivity.

Teacher assistants are generally only assigned in private schools and training centers. Otherwise, when they are provided at accredited universities or colleges it is because the administration is well aware that the foreign teacher is without the necessary qualifications and, especially in your case, a cultural sensitivity that warrants them being trusted in a classroom without the help of a Chinese assistant. As you will have noted, I've taught here for nearly five years and have never once had a teacher's assistant. Aside from that, though, yes, we are well aware of your suggestion that TA's should be reassigned as prostitutes and we are not amused by that suggestion - you may ultimately find that such statements will come back to haunt you, and you would be well advised to close your mouth before increasing the possibility of sticking your foot in it.

Albeit, this, your most recent post, does little in the way of adding to an important discussion. If you wish to focus on the aspect of what it takes to be a serious and committed teacher in China, perhaps your warnings are justified - even though it's the same old song and dance; however, they don't address the critical issue of performance in the classroom or what approaches one might take to enhance said performance. Never the less, I will agree with anyone who says that you do have a purpose. You're quite well suited in the capacity you have chosen for yourself as one who focuses on the negatives, as it doesn't take a lot of awareness to recognize the dark side.

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Re: NEWBIES BEWARE! Pack of pitbulls, snakes in the grass -- FrankLee -- 2008-07-03
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