Ben - 2008-07-08

Hey everyone! I have been in Korea just over a week and feel totally overwhelmed by teaching beginners English! I guess I have to be honest and admit that I had no idea it would be so hard, I mean I am having trouble keeping a lesson interesting for an hour and a half that seems like it could be covered in 5 minutes.
I feel VERY frustrated and I feel so inadequate...I feel like just saying "ok, this isn't for me" and rolling out, but I would totally feel like a chump if I came here for a week! I just feel stressed out all day, and at night all I can think about is how much I don't want to go teach.
Has anyone else felt this way? I actually have a really cool boss and he is very supportive, so it's not like I am in a bad situation as far as that goes...I just feel like I am in WAY OVER my head. I also feel like an idiot because almost all of the teachers here have been here for 2-3 years, and here I have been here a week and feel like quitting, so I don't want to go cry to them and tell them how hard of a time I am having.
Please offer any suggestions on how to not feel so stressed, and anything that has helped you make this a good experience, because I am NOT having a good time! :(


Messages In This Thread
Help! -- Ben -- 2008-07-08
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- ANET -- 2008-07-09
Re: Help! -- Ben -- 2008-07-10
Re: Help! -- ANET -- 2008-07-10
Re: Help! -- Ben -- 2008-07-11
Re: Help! -- Paige Russell -- 2008-07-15
Re: Help! -- Ben -- 2008-07-15
Re: Help! -- Paige Russell -- 2008-07-15

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