Laowai - 2004-10-21
In response to agism is alive and well (bulldog)

> "So at least ageism isnt rampant in North America".

> I cant speak about north America, but agism is alive and well in
> Australia!

Can anyone tell me where in the world ageism is NOT rampant?

Messages In This Thread
The Real Thing -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-13
VIVA ESL! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-18
Red Herrings, brush offs and belittlements.... -- Madge -- 2004-10-14
always hiring -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-14
three cheers... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-14
Well said -- Dos -- 2004-10-14
glad to hear this -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-14
agism is alive and well -- bulldog -- 2004-10-14
RE: Ageism -- Laowai -- 2004-10-21
good point -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-22
Age...Age...Age....! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-22
Ageism -- OnceWritten -- 2004-10-25
Ageism can be a funny animal ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-27
give me the old days... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-22

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