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The Arrogant One - 2004-10-23

Yes, yes ... believe me, Folks, I am quite pleased to note all the surprising (and apparently successful) esprit de corps spread about this board of late in an attempt to bring ESL instructors together in a common cause, job security, and the apparent resultant interest now being shown by some of the employers who just might feel somewhat intimidated by the mere presence of union-like brotherhood in their midst. A good cause, to be sure. But, let's now take the time to look a bit further into the future in a bold attempt to predict our lot as ESL instructors. Of course, l'il ole moi may already be too #@!&! old to anticipate much of a future in ANY bloody undertaking, professional or WHAT have you! But let's take a gander at you guys who are in the 40-50-year-old bracket, particularly those who have already served as an integral part of the ESL game for many moons. My inquiry:

Where the hell do you go from here?

Now, don't get me wrong ... I really LIKE teaching (any subject), but always with the stipulation that there be just a smidgen ... a mere iota ... an infinitesimal, paltry degree of (I'm sorry, employers -- I'll whisper it)
job security!

Actually, I've been led to believe this term serves as a kind of blight upon the dignity of the average ESL school owner, for so many of them seem to have difficulty meeting the stipulations of the contracts they, themselves, have concocted, while they are, no doubt, involved in the ESL business ONLY for the potential profit with the factors of student and employee satisfaction taking a relatively minor position in the great scheme of things. This is actually the opposite of what I was taught in the business segment of MY college education centuries ago! But, from the appearance of all the whining and legitimate complaints posted on the board, this IS an old story ... one with a #@#!@ beard! Consequently, the appalling reality is that conditions have not really changed much in the industry ... which brings me to the question of the very future of ESL instruction, be it here in the USA or abroad. Yes, my friends, there IS most certainly something quite rotten in the state of Denmark! Why can't an entity of such proven value as ESL be able to boast of permanency on the part of its all-important teaching workforce? Or is its absence an accepted factor dictated merely by the temporary presence of its learners? Yes, I do realize there are some teachers who have been fortunate enough to be regarded as permanent fixtures by their recognized universities and colleges. So, what has been transpiring in the private school scenario? I mean this to include all native-speaking instructors working abroad. Perhaps he/she cannot be considered a permanent fixture due to the stringent limitations imposed by passport visas and existing immigration laws. This fact, once accepted, a teacher will customarily return to his/her native country only to find an employment drought in progress, no doubt THE perfect inspiration for that often-cited Burger King Syndrome: to once again, with college degree in-hand, roam the lonely deserts of job procurement, only to wind up in another unsympathetic trap. Yeah, an even sadder reality is to suddenly awaken to the fact that, in light of all the job juggling to which we have submitted ourselves over the years, we have grown older and have become a less-desired entity in the marketplace. Yes, despite your admirable, long-lasting, rarin'-to-go temperament, age discrimination DOES very much exist. Traditionally, this is the part in the play where one shakes his fist to the heavens, and screeches (like Brando's classic "Stellll-la!"),
"God! Why ME?"

Good luck to all you whiners, moaners, and entirely legitimate complainers -- young and old. I know only too well where you stand.

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
SOME KIND OF *&%#! FUTURE! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-23
Job Security....HA! -- Stella -- 2004-10-24
Well ... that's the way it goes. -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-24
McJob....That's all it is -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-24
The TESOL Restaurant....... -- Stella -- 2004-10-25
THE GOLD AND SILVER OF IT ALL -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-26
WEALTH OF OPPRESSIONS -- Stella -- 2004-10-26
YO, STEEEEEEEEEELA ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-26
Watch out, man -- Rocket Scientist -- 2004-10-27
Rocket Scientist....why must I be a man if I have anything intelligent to say? -- Stella -- 2004-10-27
LM(f...n)AO! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-27
Virtues of aging -- x21 -- 2004-10-27
THE TURPITUDE OF "A**HOLE-ISM" -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-28
Old -- Dos -- 2004-10-23
And, then, there was the age factor ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-24
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