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The Arrogant One - 2004-10-24
In response to Old (Dos)

Hello, once again, dear chap ...

Thanks much for your timely reply to my latest bitching on getting old(er).

ABSO-TIVELY! POSI-LUTELY! I agree with what you have to say about age discrimination being ever present in practically every phase of the employment marketplace, while there's relatively little one can do to change that unfair and regrettable fact of life. Job for life? HA! We musicians used to kid about that one by referring to an everlasting gig as the position of First Harpist with The Pearly Gates Philharmonic! As for TRUE advancement beyond that of ESL instructor in overseas locales, I fear that, too, is usually another pie in the sky. So, what is there for the younger ESL instructor to do, other than go back to college and learn something that represents a more productive employment yield than is the case with ESL?

As for your suggestions, dear fellow, Points #'s 1 through 4 ALL require significant venture capital, whereas, if an instructor (of any age) has no means of financing his/her desire to be self-employed, it's in the bloody soup he/she is doomed to remain! ... and, as I indicated earlier, time passes on while, one sad morning, you arise to find yourself in the same bloody predicament, having achieved little or no improvement. I cannot speak for others, but I can honestly admit that I never have been in a position to save quite enough to fulfill MY dream of independence through self-employment. As for your point #5, I came pretty close to fulfilling this ambition by way of my position as percussionist with a major orchestra in Austria. During my (roughly) 10 years there, I learned how to speak German fairly well, knew and very much appreciated the mentality of the Viennese population, and made pretty fair money for the times. The only hitch was that I was too bloody young to appreciate what I had, and indicative of ultra-restless world migrs of the early-'70s, I blindly acquiesced to that gyspsy-like call of the wild which ever raged in my heart and ever echoed in my cranium. Truly, I was a victim of the times, and in so being, I #!@*ed-up any opportunity of permanency in my professional life.

Please believe that my sole interest in relating all of this personal information is to help prevent younger folks from making similar mistakes in their professional careers. On the other hand, also be aware of the fact that I have truly managed to reap my fair share of benefits from ESL over the years. Truly, it's not the highest paid or best supported position around, but it still presents a new teacher the opportunity of a lifetime ... if teaching IS one's game. Stay in it and use it until you gain the confidence necessary to continue the same career, or something related to it, back in your native land (or elsewhere) ... one which demands an advanced level of responsibility for a significantly advanced rate of remuneration. Therein, you can raise your head high and take pride in the fact that you have progressed in your chosen pursuit and have attained the confidence to take your success to even greater heights in ESL or any allied area.

It goes without saying that my wishes are with you all. Take it slowly and, by all means, investigate each and every one of those dream jobs before making a final commitment. This board is now filled with enough honest people who, if called upon, will surely be happy to guide you in your decision-making.

Thank you for your attention.

Love from,

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
SOME KIND OF *&%#! FUTURE! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-23
Job Security....HA! -- Stella -- 2004-10-24
Well ... that's the way it goes. -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-24
McJob....That's all it is -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-24
The TESOL Restaurant....... -- Stella -- 2004-10-25
THE GOLD AND SILVER OF IT ALL -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-26
WEALTH OF OPPRESSIONS -- Stella -- 2004-10-26
YO, STEEEEEEEEEELA ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-26
Watch out, man -- Rocket Scientist -- 2004-10-27
Rocket Scientist....why must I be a man if I have anything intelligent to say? -- Stella -- 2004-10-27
LM(f...n)AO! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-27
Virtues of aging -- x21 -- 2004-10-27
THE TURPITUDE OF "A**HOLE-ISM" -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-28
Old -- Dos -- 2004-10-23
And, then, there was the age factor ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-24
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