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The Arrogant One - 2004-10-27
In response to Ageism (OnceWritten)

My dear OnceWritten,

Many thanks for your interesting response my post on the subject of age discrimination. Most of all, I truly appreciate your kind remarks concerning my powers of cognition and writing efforts. Yes, I do have a fairly happy brood to teach each day, albeit their satisfaction is basically derived from an ardent desire to learn, while I merely serve as their guide in the acquisition of such knowledge. I totally agree with your observation that an employer's age reservations regarding an instructor can eventually be eradicated via realization that the veteran's added years of experience in the field cannot possibly be matched by any younger entity, however handsome/cute, fresh off the graduation podium.

I am quite familiar with Japan's ageism, as I had occasion to experience same back in the late-'80s when I was still wandering the globe in an attempt to find myself. It's strange, but I was actually hired for the gig in question! The position was with a Tokyo-based ESL school. During my interview with the the school's owner (here in Los Angeles), it was put to me this way: Sir, I wouldn't normally think of hiring someone your age (52), but I need you for two special projects: First, to tutor some middle-age corporate students on-site; Second, to write a series of textbooks on Business English. Of course, at your age, I will be "forced" to pay you more than anyone else, so please don't ever tell how much that is. I guess that didn't get to me until much later, probably because I was so ecstatic over earning the extra geld. Incidentally, I remained in the employ of that school until it went bankrupt (...probably because they were paying me all that extra yen-age? :b )

OnceWritten, speaking of indisputable wisdom, I found your concluding paragraph to be monumental, to wit:

In some respects, it's up to us to create a demand for better qualified teachers by educating our students and being competent at our jobs, and whenever possible, exploding myths about older workers. Open minds are ageless.

Verily, as veteran instructors 'tis our solemn responsibility, first and foremost, to nurture the open-mindedness of our learners ... and, more importantly, to stimulate their desire to retain such qualities throughout their entire lives. Amen.


Your friend,
The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
The Real Thing -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-13
VIVA ESL! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-18
Red Herrings, brush offs and belittlements.... -- Madge -- 2004-10-14
always hiring -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-14
three cheers... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-14
Well said -- Dos -- 2004-10-14
glad to hear this -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-14
agism is alive and well -- bulldog -- 2004-10-14
RE: Ageism -- Laowai -- 2004-10-21
good point -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-22
Age...Age...Age....! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-22
Ageism -- OnceWritten -- 2004-10-25
Ageism can be a funny animal ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-27
give me the old days... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-22
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