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ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-29
In response to 1st 2nd 3rd world, whatever. (Dos)

Dos, Dos, Dos..Before I get started, please go grab a beer or two and listen to one of your favourite $1.00 Chinese bootlegs to relaxplease.

First, what do you mean by

I live here is just as good, maybe more so than anywhere else?

If you mean relative to their economy, you would be right on every account. If you mean relative to richer, I wont use first-world lest I offend again, then I would disagree. Yes, you probably have a big flat, go out every night to eat and have basically the same as in the West. But heres the rub, when you leave to go back to the West, your poor again. That's not for me. In the long haul, I need to save money now...the globe trotting for kicks isn't what I need because cold hard cash is what I need...so that was my reasoning anyway.

Now, you say that you plan to stay forever in China because you love it. Ok, thats great and your opinion. You wont get me all riled up like you were about my point. If you love China, great. But that wasn't my point but I respect you love China...no arguments there.

My point is that China IS NOT and WILL NOT for some time, have laws that protect human rights. I have many Canadian-Chinese and an American-Chinese that will attest to that. However, even though my preference would not be to live and work in China for those reasons, I would guess that China WOULD be a GOOD place to work teaching English for a year or two. In fact, I WANT to VISIT China for a few months because I know I will learn and see a lot.

I will vehemently disagree with you on their record for human rights: to justify things by saying it hasnt happened to me or they DO treat foreigners better than their own is weak at best. Sorry, but it is. These countries, I wont call them third-world, like China have some catching up to do, thats all.

Lastly, my dear friend Dos, PLEASE DONT COMPARE ME TO AN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!

Yes, America has a VERY bad human rights record now. Thats why I mentioned Canada. I love Canada and plan to go back someday.

Yes, we must all live a little. Thats why if you read my post, I said Ive traveled many, many places in this world and its been that travel and living abroad thats opened my eyes a lot.

Peace and pleae go grab another beer..I think you need it >\-|

Messages In This Thread
Letters to Presidents, Ambassadors, & Ministers: -- Alan -- 2004-10-23
Let's post our accomplishments, here! -- Mild -- 2004-10-26
Unions -- Richard -- 2004-11-19
Keep sending those letters to President Roh, South Korea -- Stella -- 2004-10-27
really? -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-27
Third world? not really -- me -- 2004-10-28
Taking part in making history! -- Mild -- 2004-10-28
I will....thanks for the address -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-28
yes, really... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-28
1st 2nd 3rd world, whatever. -- Dos -- 2004-10-29
Dos...go grab a beer and relax man -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-29
Chilled -- Dos -- 2004-10-30
One world -- me -- 2004-10-29
Yawn....you again -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-29
Sho fly, don't bother us! -- Beatrix -- 2004-10-30
It must be the smell from your pile in your head -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-30
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