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Beatrix - 2004-10-30

Criticising Bush for freeing Iraqui nationals from being carved like meat, hung in torture chambers such as Abu Ghraib by Hussein. At least in North Korea, the North Koreans manage to escape across the border, and get through both the North Korean army and the Chinese army too. Now the USA are sponsoring North Korean defectors to live in the USA. If anyone disagreed with Hussein, he'd kill them by hanging them and other methods. Maybe you agree with a bit of daily butchery in Bagdad. At least Bush put a stop to it. I agree with self protection in combat,and protection of one's neighbours from rulers from "the Abyss", where you might find yourself, if you don't resolve your mentally self-destructive issues.

You say negative and disguisting things, then you say onward Christian Soldiers.....
I think you must have been chucked out of the army for being schizophrenic.

You have taken my quote out of context, because I was referring to the person who wanted to leave the illegal situation, to leave and go to another school who would get them a visa immediately, and become legal.

This terminates any contact with you, however I will not be bullied into leaving the board.
I will not lower myself to your level any further.


From Beatrix the Beautiful!!!!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Get some gumption you weasel! -- Beatrix -- 2004-10-30
May your God show you a better way -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-30
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