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Mike D - 2004-10-30

I must say the weather in Korea is really nice now. It is too bad the postings on this forum do not match the weather. All these posting directing personal abuse at each other are as tiresome and interesting as watching the rain fall.
In contrast to the many posts of complaint that I see on here, I would just like to say that Korea is a good place to be teaching. I have an interesting job teaching English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies at an International Language School in the Bundang area. The apartment provided by the owners is very close to the school, very modern and clean. The staff of the school are very helpful and friendly and this makes for a great atmosphere in which to teach. The classes are small and the children are delightful.
The point is that there are many others in similar situations but most do not bother to say so on this forum. Of course there are a few bad situations that should be avoided, so do your research carefully before you sign a contract if you are hoping to teach in Korea.
Perhaps if we could have more positive postings about teaching ESL and fewer personal attacks this board may revert to its main purpose.
Let us help each other where we can and not be constantly fighting like small kids do on the playground. Remember each is entitled to his/her own opinion and should not be attacked personally for their opinions. Having said that I would like to ask that we keep religion and politics out of the discussions and stick with teaching and related topics. No doubt that someone with all too much spare time on their hands will take exception to this posting.....so be it....but I hope the recent spate of personal attacks might be reduced from here on.

Mike D.
Pax Vobiscum >\-|

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Nice Weather -- Mike D -- 2004-10-30
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