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ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30
In response to Get some gumption you weasel! (Beatrix)

Once again, your lack of understanding shows. Abu Ghraib was not only where Saddam tortured prisoners but US soldiers raped and killed prisoners, including a young boy (raped). Did you miss that while you were saving the North Koreans at the DMZ?

On the DMZ, youve never been to the DMZ have you? When I was in the army, my fellow soldiers had pictures of the guys that they shot in the DMZ. One guy had his picture taken next to the dead body with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth while he was laughing. Unfortunately, I wish I made that up...but I remember it like yesterday.

Really, you dont know sh#t from shinola. Now, as I stated to you, I was honorably discharged, sorry to disappoint you. Also, I was in the infantry, 11B with two accommodations and the expert infantrymans badge, plus a snipers marksmanship award. Oh, I was good with explosives as well.

But, did I like it? Not when I saw the truth of it all. You, on the other hand, live on the vacuous words of others. You have no experience or intelligence to figure these things out.

The onward Christian Soldiers was to mock the Religious Rights pious sanctioning of this evil conflict. And you invoke God. How hypocritical. Just like a damn Republican...a religious right one that is.

That will really spread His love wont it. Wow, you narrow-minded, self-pious, self-righteous people are all the same: dangerous and ignorant. Yes, please stay on the board, I just hope to NEVER talk to you again. Youre a predictable bore. I even had hopes youd come through with good debating material, sadly, you didnt.

May your God show you the right path.

Messages In This Thread
Get some gumption you weasel! -- Beatrix -- 2004-10-30
May your God show you a better way -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-30
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