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The Arrogant One - 2004-10-31
In response to A and O (A.)

> dear A and O,
> why don't you stop pretending to be someone, and go back to your home
> far away?

> are you afraid?

> so many ESL'rs afraid to go back to their own countries.

> should asia always support you fakes?


(This creep's a genuine gluteus maximus!)

Well, thanks for at least capitalizing my handle this time! So ... you see, Monsieur Derrire Grande, I'm certain you'll be ecstatic to hear that Asia never quite "supported" me -- which constitutes the reason why I am no longer there! Nonetheless, like a few others in the forum, it pains me to notice pathetic slobs like you who actually earn money under false pretenses, i.e., pretending to be "teachers." It is charlatans like you who help keep the pay scale low for those imported foreign experts TRULY worth their salt ... highly dedicated practitioners who have something definitive to contribute to the cause of English language learning in your country.

Finally, "Sir-Reverence" (*look THAT one up), I would suggest a bit more open-mindedness toward timely correction your obviously weak grammar. ANYONE is capable of making mistakes ... even the most educated of us. But, by blatantly refusing to recognize a much-too-consistently-demonstrated shortcoming -- and being a teacher, to boot -- is not only dishonest but unfair to those who have the misfortune of having you for their "teacher!" A WORD TO THE WISE: Don't spend so much energy defending yourself against all those "foreign devils" who have "invaded" your country, get yourself a copy of the AZAR BLUE grammar book, and DIG IN!

No cost for the consultation.

>\-| Have a nice day.

Messages In This Thread
cities in the south -- A. -- 2004-10-29
SHENZHEN??? You GOTTA be joking!!! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-30
Thanks for making me laugh on a dreary Sunday morning, far from home! -- marie -- 2004-10-31
enemy to all -- A. -- 2004-10-31
Like Starbucks, there's one on every corner! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-31
A and O -- A. -- 2004-10-31
PLEASE don't tell me you're "a teacher!" -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-31
You win -- A. -- 2004-10-31
THE HONESTY OF RECOGNITION -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-31
Is this the custom here? -- x21 -- 2004-10-31
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