Robert Newman - 2004-11-14
In response to Overwhelmed by choices (Paul Sorensen)

Dear Paul,

As someone who has lived and worked in Thailand for the past 12 years I won't even try to say anything about China or Vietnam. Thailand on the otherhand could be covered in a book.

Any specific questions you have please feel free to ask me. A couple of things to think about:

The type of school you are looking at. Language schools here are a dying breed, with only a couple of exeptions. Most ESL/EFL teaching is now done in mainstream education.

To get a work permit you must have a minimum of a BA, TEFL is not so important, except for the language schools.

Do not accept any job offered until you have seen the contract, and the school. Believe me some are less than livable.


Messages In This Thread
Overwhelmed by choices -- Paul Sorensen -- 2004-11-12
Thailand -- Robert Newman -- 2004-11-14
In the same boat....and been researching -- Katie -- 2004-11-13
2 cents worth......... -- Beatrix. -- 2004-11-13
Visa is the main thing -- Dos -- 2004-11-13

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