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gharwell1 - 2004-11-29
In response to It is as it is... (esl in asia)

Although the coalition is ina war to free Iraq from tyranny and apart from discovering around 300,000 bodies in Mass Graves and aapart from finding 1200 teachers and students in one Mass Grave and apart from Saddam gassing whole villages in the Northern Kurdish area and the marsh arabs in the south,..... there are some other facts that should be looked at.

* Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations.
* School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.
* Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of the weapons
stored there so education can occur.
* The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be off-loaded
from ships faster.
* The country had its first 2 billion barrel export of oil in August.
* Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water for the first time ever
in Iraq.
* The country now receives 2 times the electrical power it did before the
* 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed, compared to 35% before
the war
* Elections are taking place in every major city, and city councils are in
* Sewer and water lines are installed in every major city.
* Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.
* Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are securing the country.
* Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the streets side by side with US
* Over 400,000 people have telephones for the first time ever.
* Students are taught field sanitation and hand washing techniques to
prevent the spread of germs.
* An interim constitution has been signed.
* Girls are allowed to attend school.
* Textbooks that don't mention Saddam are in the schools for the first time
in 30 years.

GEEEEEE...I guess all these things are bad....

Messages In This Thread
CELTA and EU not so kind -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-25
CELTA -- blaize -- 2004-12-28
CELTA again Response -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-30
CELTA -- Caroline -- 2004-11-28
Celta in Toronto ans Canada -- Maria -- 2004-12-31
Oh bully for you -- The Observer -- 2004-12-31
Response to Caroline -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-29
It is as it is... -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-29
Not So Fast..there IS another side -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-29
Let's stay away from this and stick to esl -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
All these things and more.......... -- William Box -- 2004-12-31
Nice cut and paste job Bill -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-02
Sudan's oil - Sudan is UK's Problem -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-30
eh? -- Dos -- 2004-12-01
CELTA and Trinity -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-25
Response to esl in asia -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-29
What can we deny you? -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-25
Response to Gary -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-29
Free For All -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-29
Is that so, huh -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
Wot about the other way around? -- Ferpectly right -- 2004-11-30
us work visas...a joke! -- blaize -- 2004-12-28
That's it. Things are much harder a expensive in Canada -- C and T -- 2004-12-31
Why -- Eric -- 2004-12-31
Because.. -- Dos -- 2004-12-31
Response -- Eric -- 2004-12-31
Response to Fe. Right -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-06
Still easier in the US to work -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
Get real -- The Observer -- 2004-11-29
I mean Mich -- The Observer -- 2004-11-30
Response to the observer -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-06
simple is as simple does -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
Response to Observer -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-07
got me there -- The Observer -- 2004-12-08
Response yet again -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-12
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