Maveline - 2004-12-03
In response to China: Hired by schools, or recruiters? (Paul Sorensen)

About Yakup:

1- At http://www.tesall.com/ there is an ESL School Reviews search box on the top of the screen; If you write Yakup, you will find some info.

2- Same thing on this board: If you enter Yakup in the Google search box, you will find posts; also on the School Reviews board, there are posts about Yakup.

3- A search on www.eslcafe.com would also be advisable.

Good luck

Messages In This Thread
China: Hired by schools, or recruiters? -- Paul Sorensen -- 2004-12-03
Yakup -- Maveline -- 2004-12-03
Recruiters, NO! -- BluePinay -- 2004-12-03

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