falutin - 2004-12-04
In response to Life after TEFL (Paul Sorensen)

There's an interesting thread on just that topic over on the www.ajar.com forum, which is based in Thailand.

I've gone, at least for now, in the other direction. Until this year I have taught 15 years as a regular teacher here in Canada and overseas. Now I've started teaching only esl privately and am finding it very rewarding. Nice to work for myself for a change.

Messages In This Thread
Life after TEFL -- Paul Sorensen -- 2004-12-03
Life After ESL -- Robert Newman -- 2004-12-04
after esl? -- falutin -- 2004-12-04
There's meat in the ESL sandwich........ -- Beatrix -- 2004-12-04
life after EFL -- paul -- 2004-12-20

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