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Bob THT - 2008-08-09

...contacting your boy Frank was a joke.
plus, i'll ask advice of anyone i choose. and frankly, you haven't helped me much at all so there is no need to continue to pat yourself on the back. i asked for the name of a recruiter i can utilize. if you didn't know one you should just keep quiet. my question was not if i should use a recruiter or not. i even gave an option that if you didn't know of a reputable recruiter then i'd like to know some good schools to look into. um, yup, no help there either. a good recruiter, which does exist, albeit in a small number, can do all of the legwork and make my initial trip to china very smooth. obviously this is the route i would like to take. obviously i am bothered by your response to not ask "us" anymore. who is "us"? don't be pretentious enough to think that there are only a handful of voices to be heard here. i'm fearful that other voices are getting washed out because of the visibility of the constant barrage of unwavering rhetoric by a few over zealous aspiring expatriots.

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Re: Recruiter -- Bob THT -- 2008-08-09
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