William Box - 2004-12-05


Wondering just how much weight is assigned to the AGE FACTOR by prospective employers?

I'll soon begin studying for my tesl/tesol certificate and hope to teach in Asia. Preferably in Japan or Korea. Perhaps China, however, I've heard that salaries there are not high enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle.

I digress. I'm presently 62 years old and I've heard that most schools recruit young people almost exclusively. Any chance an OLD MAN might still get a decent job and contribute something before his demise?

If employment by one of the leading schools in an area is not a viable option, then what are the chances of one promoting himself? I.E., home based tutoring/schooling, etc.?

What say you?

Any input will be, as always, greatly appreciated.


Bill Box

Messages In This Thread
AGE Factor -- William Box -- 2004-12-05
The ageist Asians -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-06
age -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
re The Observer -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
re the Observer -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- The Observer -- 2004-12-07
age -- falutin -- 2004-12-06

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