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reality check - 2008-08-11

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Why American Women Don't Like Asian Girls?By:Dao Jones

Re: Why American Women DonBy:Kate
In Response To: Why American Women Don't Like Asian Girls? (Dao Jones)

Actually you want to know why white women hate asian women? It's because in society it's OKAY for asian women to date white/black/any race of men but its NOT OKAY for white women to date an asian man. Also, in my personal experience , asian women are nothing but man stealing skanks - I was married and he cheated on me with an asian wh**e, i then dated an asian man who left me for an asian b**ch, then i dated another asian guy and found out he had a profile on javtalk forum which is a forum about asian b**ch porn. I'm a very pretty white girl, prettier than any asian b**ch that looks like they got their face flattened in a door. I don't hate asian PEOPLE (i got a son who is half and date only asian men) i just hate asian WOMEN because they wont stop man-stealing. I dont care who they date or whatever as long as they don't manipulate and break up happy homes which is what they all do. so asian b**ches listen- STOP BREAKING UP HAPPY HOMES GO FIND YOUR OWN MAN AND LEAVE OTHER WOMENS ALONE.

Re: Why American Women DonBy:lyn
In Response To: Why American Women Don't Like Asian Girls? (Dao Jones)

I had to stop and count to 10 before I wrote this! You HAVE NO IDEA what American women are thinking or how we react! I don't mind Asian ladies or anyone in that race for that matter. I would not consider the majority of American women to be racist or culturally biased in this day and age. I went out with a Japanese guy to homecoming and prom one year in high school in. I never felt more safe and taken care of. His manners were perfect.
I have met a few Asian females and honestly, there are assholes in every race, gender, and culture. I've met some really sweet ones, and then I met some really snotty ones too. There are some Asian ladies that think American women are over grown cows, while some just befriend us and accept us for who we are. Your remarks are not really helping the situation. If there are any Asian ladies reading this, ignore the jackass that wrote this. I think Asian women are some of the most beautiful and competent people in America. You deserve to find love and happiness just like any other woman in the world. Just do what is best for you!
Re: Why American Women Don't Like Asian Girls?By:tara
In Response To: Why American Women Don't Like Asian Girls? (Dao Jones)

This post made me very angry. I am neither a white women or an asian women, but I feel insulted on behalf of every women, regardless of race. Here are the 3 reasons it made me angry:
1) The race of a women does not make them a better or worse wife. Each person is different and so no judgement can be made based on their race. That would be like me saying that ALL white men are selfish and unfaithful, that all white men are serial killers, or that all men in general are macho's who want to dominate women. But as we all know, this is not true. Each caucasian male is different; each MALE is different, some are good lovers, some arent, some provide for their families and are loving and caring and some treat women herendously. But you cannot judge how they are with women based on their colour.
Got my point? It doesnt matter what the race is, there are good and bad wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends and lovers EVERYWHERE (yes, that includes asian women) also, out of the 13 asian women/ white guy marriages Ive known, only 4 of them are still married. The women in the other marriages divorced their husbands. Like all women, asians are just as capable of finding better. They are no more likely to stick around than any other girl. Again EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.

2) In these scenarios it is not the women that are the problem, but the men who exploit them. I have no problem with mixed couples (I am a a product of one) and believe the "mixing of races" to be beautiful. I also acknowledge that most guys in these relatioships really care about their partners. But what I dislike is when a man obsesses over one kind of girl. I know people all have their preferences and personal tastes, but I'm talking about the guys who, for example, will always go out with asian girls, perve on them etc JUST because they are asian. Ive seen it happen, guys are only interested in a girl because of their race, not their personalty. This is just so disgustingly shallow. Ive known men who have gone to thailand just to get a wife! it makes me think they dont really care what the girls like, as long as shes asian, she'll do. YES! they are beautiful women, but I wish people would appreciate them for who they are, not how they look. If you were able to do this, you would realise they are all different.

3) You seem to think the feminism movement was a bad thing. But I guess that is expected from someone as ignorant and chauvanistic as you. Stop stereotyping. Stop Generalizing and appreciate women for who they are. If you truelly believe in everything you wrote, then I feel sorry for how closed mind you are and I'm sure your going to get some suprises in life when you realize people dont fit into those labels you are giving them. All you are doing is further nurturing those backwards ideas about the nature of asian women. I am sure most are not the subdued, easily dominated and servient women you think they are and it is unfair to put these labels and therefore preasures on them.
Grow up! women are women. I feel sorry for the poor souls who've had you.

Also, Im sure most american women have NOOOOOOO problem at all with asian girls.....

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Found this powerful and truthful thread about why really English teachers go to Asia? -- reality check -- 2008-08-11
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