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da yan jing - 2004-12-28
In response to to all concerned ; Native speakers (jack)

Because those countries have an English accent very different from countries like England, Canada, America and Australia.

On that same note, Ireland and Scotland are also native English speaking countries, but they are not sought after for these teaching positions either. Their accent is too drastically different.

As well, many schools will not hire New Zealanders or South Africans either, because of the difference in their accents.

So if schools are this picky between nationalities that actually DO speak English as their native language, why would they hire a non-native English speaker?

Messages In This Thread
Bad English = low wages? -- discouraged -- 2004-12-27
True.... -- Sis -- 2004-12-27
shockingly -- disturbed -- 2004-12-27
Small mistake there -- Observe This -- 2004-12-28
By the way... -- Observe This -- 2004-12-27
to all concerned ; Native speakers -- jack -- 2004-12-27
native English -- da yan jing -- 2004-12-28
Native speakers -- jack -- 2004-12-28
Going Native -- Portici -- 2005-01-13
unfortunately... -- discouraged -- 2004-12-27
TOO MANY problems ... n'est-e pas mon chr? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-28
not quite sir... -- disturbed -- 2004-12-28
Just a wee bit deeper, Mr. Disturbed! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-29
well..... -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-28
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