TM - 2004-12-28

How much were you paid Ken to put this message here.

I have been in China three years now and was originally recruited by that shyster. At that time he had non existant people working for him.
I was his "best friend in the whole world", he made all kinds of outrageous promises that neither he no the school could/would keep.

I suppose I was lucky as I ended up doing all my negotiations with the host school myself and had a pleasant two years there.

I know of five other people personally who used Yakup and the same story seems to follow most people.

He is a liar and as LL has posted obviously a thief as well. He is a disgrace to the greater Muslim people. He should have his right hand cut off and his tounge cut out !!!!!.

Use him at your own peril
And by the way his story of having a wife who runs his business in London is rather doubtful as well, but I am sure LL can either confirm that or not better than I.

Messages In This Thread
Feeling About Yakup International.............. -- Ken Machado -- 2004-12-22
Yakup -- TM -- 2004-12-28
Re:Yakup -- L.L -- 2004-12-28
Lucky -- L.L -- 2004-12-23
Yakup's new trick?or he finally got a fan ? -- Reflection -- 2004-12-23
A PRO salesman in our midst, no doubt! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-23
You are so funny AO -- Nubille -- 2004-12-23
Hilarious! -- laodeng -- 2004-12-22
Recruiter -- Foreigner Teacher -- 2004-12-22
Very funny -- Nubille -- 2004-12-22

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