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Observe This - 2004-12-28
In response to Degrees (Alex)

I know that people who really earned their degree will hate me when I say this. When I applied for my work visa, the immigration officer never did analyze it. I wasnt even told to get my degree notarized. In the US, you have to either notarize your degree or send transcripts to prove authenticity. None of this was even remotely done. That was pretty demoralizing because I actually have a real four-year degree from the US and it wasnt even authenticated.

In fact, I even know that people with just two-year degrees can be considered to have met the requirements. Some countries give a two year bachelors degree and call it a degree. In the US we call that an associates degree. Its hardly the same.

Dont worry; if youre a good teacher, a degree really isnt what Asians want. They want someone to perform on stage and teach them English in an enjoyable way. Its hardly rocket science. Hell, just read these post. You can pretty much guess what mental level you need to teach your native language. I think you are just fine. You have a CELTA which is probably 90 percent more than most yahoos teaching in Asia have. Believe me!!

Good luck and do what you got to do.if you know what I mean.

Messages In This Thread
Degrees -- Alex -- 2004-12-23
The Internet -- Observe This -- 2004-12-26
Degrees -- Alex -- 2004-12-27
And more advice -- Observe This -- 2004-12-28
Most Emphatically -- The Observer -- 2004-12-27
Thank you my good man -- Observe This -- 2004-12-27
Degree response -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-24
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