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jack - 2004-12-28
In response to native English (da yan jing)

The point I was making is that people from those nineteen Caribbean countries ,I mentioned ARE native speakers ,because the official language of all those countries is ENGLISH!! Does that not make them "native speaking" countries ?

I take your point about SOUTH AFRICANS not being sought after to teach ESL . Many South African whites originate from Holland and their first language is a Dutch dialect ,and most blacks there have their own native dialects.

However I don't agree that people from Ireland,Scotland and new Zealand are not sought after ,or are unsuitable to teach ESL .Don't you realise that,IN EVERY NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY MOST NATIVES DO NOT SPEAK STANDARD ENGLISH,AND THAT INCLUDES ENGLAND ITSELF .

Yes even in ENGLAND ,where English first came from most people speak with accents that differ from standard English .for instance you have Cockney,Scouse ,Brummie and Geordie dialects, just to name a few of many in England.

If Scottish and Irish people are not generally sought after to teach ESL in China ,why do many schools ask for teachers from 'THE U.K',rather than England?

The reason is that , just like people from other native English speaking countries, plenty of Scots and Irish people speak English more than well enough to qualify to teach ESL in China .

The point is in every native English speaking country ,which includes Canada,America ,The U.K (including Wales,Ireland and Scotland),New Zealand ,Australia and nineteen countries in the Caribbean most people don't speak standard English ,yet at the same time in each of those countries you have a healthy minority who do ,yes, including the Caribbean countries!!. Yes,many people in the Caribbean speak a creole dialect ,but at the same time many people there, speak standard English better than native speakers from England or

Messages In This Thread
Bad English = low wages? -- discouraged -- 2004-12-27
True.... -- Sis -- 2004-12-27
shockingly -- disturbed -- 2004-12-27
Small mistake there -- Observe This -- 2004-12-28
By the way... -- Observe This -- 2004-12-27
to all concerned ; Native speakers -- jack -- 2004-12-27
native English -- da yan jing -- 2004-12-28
Native speakers -- jack -- 2004-12-28
Going Native -- Portici -- 2005-01-13
unfortunately... -- discouraged -- 2004-12-27
TOO MANY problems ... n'est-e pas mon chr? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-28
not quite sir... -- disturbed -- 2004-12-28
Just a wee bit deeper, Mr. Disturbed! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-29
well..... -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-28
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