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Michaelangello - 2004-12-30
In response to CELTA (blaize)

Yeah, the CELTA course is great, especially if you have about $2000USD to burn on this course.

I don't agree at all with the comment of British English being taught for those reasons. There should be an international board composed of 5 major Universities, each from one of the major English speaking nations. This board of 5 Universities should decide on an international standard of English to be taught, and they should develope their own program and certificate course, NOT just Cambridge.

You dont need CELTA to learn the difference between British and North American English, there are many books where you can learn the differences. i.e. Oxford, Webster's, Cambridge, TOEFL... your coworkers from other nations...

Yeah, CELTA is extremely useful in the EU since the British have locked the market there, but notice in the far East no one really cares what kind of certificate you have , just that you have one.

Again, there should be 5 Universities that decide and make the international program for ESl and certification. For example ( Cambridge, George Washington Uni, U of Auckland, U of Sydney, and U of British Columbia) NOT JUST CAMBRIDGE!!!!

Messages In This Thread
CELTA and EU not so kind -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-25
CELTA -- blaize -- 2004-12-28
CELTA again Response -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-30
CELTA -- Caroline -- 2004-11-28
Celta in Toronto ans Canada -- Maria -- 2004-12-31
Oh bully for you -- The Observer -- 2004-12-31
Response to Caroline -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-29
It is as it is... -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-29
Not So Fast..there IS another side -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-29
Let's stay away from this and stick to esl -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
All these things and more.......... -- William Box -- 2004-12-31
Nice cut and paste job Bill -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-02
Sudan's oil - Sudan is UK's Problem -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-30
eh? -- Dos -- 2004-12-01
CELTA and Trinity -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-25
Response to esl in asia -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-29
What can we deny you? -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-25
Response to Gary -- Michaelangello -- 2004-11-29
Free For All -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-29
Is that so, huh -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
Wot about the other way around? -- Ferpectly right -- 2004-11-30
us work visas...a joke! -- blaize -- 2004-12-28
That's it. Things are much harder a expensive in Canada -- C and T -- 2004-12-31
Why -- Eric -- 2004-12-31
Because.. -- Dos -- 2004-12-31
Response -- Eric -- 2004-12-31
Response to Fe. Right -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-06
Still easier in the US to work -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
Get real -- The Observer -- 2004-11-29
I mean Mich -- The Observer -- 2004-11-30
Response to the observer -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-06
simple is as simple does -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
Response to Observer -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-07
got me there -- The Observer -- 2004-12-08
Response yet again -- Michaelangello -- 2004-12-12
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