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Mark Charters - 2008-08-23

My original intention when replying to this post was to merely clarify that EF here is no longer a mess and we are taking positive steps to put the school in order and give quality to our clients. So far it's working - my concern was that due to the trash talk that had previously been spouted, that teachers would be reluctant to join us if they saw that online.

I don't want to get into any arguments here, but if people start talking about crazed religious sects, then I will respond similarly. Yes, the moderators are watching, so I would ask anyone to accept my post at face value and not stir up the old private/public sector debate of which we are all so fond in China.

As I previously stated, in any walk of life, as in any sector of education, there's good, bad and indifferent. I'm trying, using my TESOL training, my life experience and 7 years of teaching experience in China to do the best I can for my own personal pride and for the good of the students here. I'm not advertising the school per se - only trying to put a few matters right so people don't labour under any misapprehensions about the current state of things here. A question which I'm sure you would agree, I have every right to address given my position here.

Enough said. Anything else is moot, to be quite frank.

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Re: EF Fuzhou -- Mark Charters -- 2008-08-23
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