Songbird - 2005-01-01
In response to age discrimination (Ben Hecht)

There is another teacher at the university I am teaching at here in central China who is I think 56 or 57. I think she's a wonderful person and addition to the school and has so much ESL experience to pass onto others. Okay, she's a part of VSO (British voluntary organisation).....would you consider an organisation? At least then you would have some advice and guidance from them re insurance etc.

Yes I think there should be an age limit to at least protect the school, but maybe 55 or 60, depending on health? Older people are so inspirational!


Messages In This Thread
age discrimination -- Ben Hecht -- 2004-12-31
Ageism -- Songbird -- 2005-01-01
Protecting the school??? -- laodeng -- 2005-01-01
Re: AGE DISCRIMINATION -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-01-01
Ageism in China -- laodeng -- 2005-01-01
Thanks for the correction, man! -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-01-03
Business Etiquette -- laodeng -- 2005-01-03
100% agree there -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
skilled labour? -- another teacher -- 2005-01-01
You are right!!! -- Lucy -- 2005-01-01
I agree -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Pessimist -- Another teacher -- 2005-01-01
Try china,56 is fine -- jamie -- 2005-01-01

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