Another teacher - 2005-01-01
In response to I agree (esl in asia)

I can understand you getting pessimistic , sometimes I feel the same when after sending my resume outlining two years experience of teaching ESL in CHINA ,together with with all the stuff they require ,I often get requests for clearer ,or even full-length photographs.
I'm seriously thinking of sending a photograph of myself strewn across a sofa ,wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts ,(or maybe even butt naked!) , with a glass of champagne in hand ,and a rose clenched in my teeth.
Maybe the offers will come in thick and fast after that! It's easy for many of us to get cynical ,but we must look at the positives.There are many schools in China for instance, who really do want real English teachers.

Someone mentioned Universities earlier. I still believe that good ,experienced ,older ESL teachers will find good rewards in targeting Universities for employment ,particularly in China .
Keep your head up , and give it all you,ve got and I'm certain that there will always be schools who will acknowledge you , and reward your efforts with good employment.

Remember, with our English language we have a golden key that unlocks doors all over the world. As ESL teachers, we can teach nearly anywhere in the world.
Just by hopping on a plane somewhere ,we can make a living that enables us to explore and discover many interesting places and cultures,learn new languages , and meet many different people,yes, even the older ones amongst us! .Yes, variety is being an ESL teacher!!

There are not many professions where people are able to do what we can .I personally know of a 71 year old who's teaching English in Yunnan , China right now!!. How do I know ? Well she actually teaches in the same school as me!!Also she's already managed to secure furthur employment in China for next term.

There's hope for us all ,ESl is TRULY A GREAT PROFESSION! DON"T GIVE UP!!

Messages In This Thread
age discrimination -- Ben Hecht -- 2004-12-31
Ageism -- Songbird -- 2005-01-01
Protecting the school??? -- laodeng -- 2005-01-01
Re: AGE DISCRIMINATION -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-01-01
Ageism in China -- laodeng -- 2005-01-01
Thanks for the correction, man! -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-01-03
Business Etiquette -- laodeng -- 2005-01-03
100% agree there -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
skilled labour? -- another teacher -- 2005-01-01
You are right!!! -- Lucy -- 2005-01-01
I agree -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Pessimist -- Another teacher -- 2005-01-01
Try china,56 is fine -- jamie -- 2005-01-01

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