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MyFace - 2008-09-21

Hmmm, may I ask, just how is one to determine when it is safe to "expose them to public ridicule, and make them lose face ( when it is safe to do so of course )"? Glad that you have reopened the subject of 'face,' it is a favorite topic of mine. You might be interest in knowing that with your reply to my post you have just used a face saving technique. I'll have more to say later on this subject. Thanks.

"The Chinese hate this, but it is effective, revenge is sweet." Reveals more about yourself than I could have hoped.

"What,ME Worry, you are just another fake and fraud like USMC and Spy v Spy, you can't fool intelligent posters to this forum." I'll assume, for the sake of argument, that you include yourself in the "intelligent posters" category. This is a highly argumentative hypothesis in itself.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Contemplating a runner -- MyFace -- 2008-09-21
Re: Contemplating a runner -- thinking -- 2008-09-21
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