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A.Y - 2008-10-14

I'm teaching kids at an orphan home in Tajikistan. I have 34 children from 3rd to 11th grade and their levels of English ability are all different, even the ones in same grade. I separated them in classes that I think fit in their current levels, give them classes twice a week after school, and help with their English homework from school. The problem comes from this homework situation. I already have lesson schedules set up and been giving them classes for two months now. But, despite my effort to give them right lessons in right level that would improve their ability, their school homework has been pain in my butt because they are too hard for these kids and the textbook is way too old like they still talk about Soviet Union.

Trying to break down reading comprehension contents and questions in easy vocabs and grammar is taking my time a lot itself and hard, and explaining what they should write for the questions like 'What do you do on the Soviet Constitution day?' is even worse.
After spending two hours helping one group of students in same grade with their homework, remember they are from 3rd to 11th grade but thank god that only 6th-up are the ones that I'm having the problem with, the worst thing is that I doubt any of the stuff that I had helped with their homework would actually improve their ability. In fact, every time I feel like I'm literally doing their homework and only thing that I'm doing with the students together is to confuse them more with new grammar and words.

What should I do?

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