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riddlemethis - 2008-11-07

Great post Yingwen - definitely thought provoking. Allow me, though, to add one more thing to your last paragraph. As a white, anglo saxon American I don't say this lightly, but I believe that the movement away from white teachers in China, though justified under the circumstances that you have mentioned, is often for the reason that we are more likely, because of our outspoken natures, to create waves in regards to curriculum, materials selection and the general scatterbrained approach to education that many administrators are given to. In other words, we rock the boat too much. Maybe it's sometimes a matter of opening mouth and inserting foot, but I think that more often it is a matter of having been raised and, in many cases, having worked in an environment where it is not only normal to state your opinion and thereby sometimes speak out against authority, but where that kind of assertiveness is encouraged if not rewarded. Even after five years in China, I still find it difficult to accept that my unsolicited advice will more often than not be met with a closed mind. When it is solicited, if it is followed, it will only be followed after a few months so that it appears to be their idea and not mine. Of course, by that time the damage has already been done.

I've often found myself in the position of waiting for my colleagues, those from other English speaking countries, to find their voices. The waiting goes on until ultimately it is an American that speaks out while being fully aware that he is in engaged in an exercise in futility. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. Maybe I'm totally off the wall on this one. Opinions are welcome.

No matter what, I firmly believe that we're not only up against racism and false perceptions here, we're also confronted with a kind of anti-intellectual attitude that is a barrier in terms of progressive education.

Having said that, though, in regards to teacher behavior, there is a definite problem. Sadly, what John Smith does reflects negatively on me and others. I'll welcome the day when the screening process weeds out those given to the behavior you have cited. And believe me, I'd be the last one to defend Americans where said behavior is concerned. I spent two years in Japan in the sixties. I saw it there in abundance and I see it here again. Fortunately, I see it less in the younger generation. Maybe that's something to be thankful for.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary -- Belligerence -- 2008-11-05
Problem of employing non-white/ native speakers: real or imagined? -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-11-07
Re: Problem of employing non-white/ native speakers: real or imagined? -- riddlemethis -- 2008-11-07
Re: Problem of employing non-white/ native speakers: real or imagined? -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-11-21
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