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jerome - 2008-11-22
In response to Blatant Racial Discrimination (One World, One Dream????)

"(but we have so much more to do)"

Indeed; however, let's remember that China is still pulling their way out of the doldrums. Moreover, prejudice and/or bias in China is not only confined to the color of one's skin. In a way it's quite amazing that such primitive, seemingly uneducated attitudes still exist alongside such rapid growth coupled with a desire to be a contributing and respected part of the world community, but it will be some time before they reach their stated goal of a harmonious society - or for that matter even recognize that harmony can only be achieved by casting away trivial notions that stand in the way of equality.

Last night I was having coffee with a group of girls who I had taught for two years as second and third year students. Now, as seniors, they're involved in job hunting - the pressure is on. One girl confided in me that she probably won't get the job she wants - working for an airline company at an airport down in Guangdong. Why won't she get the job? Not tall enough - and this is in terms of working at the ticket counter, not as a stewardess. Actually, she's quite pretty; but unfortunately, not tall enough. Yeah, you must be model material to sell tickets. That's pretty sick.

Shanghai people lord it over those who live in rural areas. Beijing people think they're better than anybody. City people in general look down on farmers. The list goes on. And of course there is the age old concept of "others" to take into consideration as well.

Fortunately, though, I see this country moving in the right direction. At times it seems like a snail's pace; however, if the world manages to not destroy itself too soon, China may catch up with the rest of us in terms of social advancement. Well, actually, I would rather see them pass us up - all societies seem to have a long way to go.

More directly, in regards to your situation of being passed by for teaching jobs that you are quite qualified for, I'm also hoping that employers will wake up to the fact that choosing every white faced Tom, Dick, Harry or Jane that comes along does not guarantee their students quality education. Indeed, I've been here for many years now and I've seen such hiring practices as being counter productive. Moreover, the multitudes of unqualified white teachers, as you will note in this and other forums are not in the least apologetic about participating in a scam that negatively impacts countless children and young adults all over China.

Messages In This Thread
Blatant Racial Discrimination -- One World, One Dream???? -- 2008-11-22
Re: Blatant Racial Discrimination -- The Duke -- 2008-11-22
Re: Blatant Racial Discrimination -- jerome -- 2008-11-22
Re: Blatant Racial Discrimination -- Steve -- 2008-11-24
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