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Li Bai - 2008-12-10

I can think of very few situations where "confrontation" is considered a sport in the work place. It is something the Chinese CANNOT deal with. You MUST be "HAPPY, HAPPY, EVERYDAY".

The best way that I've found to deal with areas of disagreement is to let them do what I want them to do. Candid, open, honest communication is just not on the agenda.

And for whatever deity's sake you may believe in, be extremely careful of whom you trust. I can remember telling four different people slightly differrent versions of the same story, then hearing it come back again. Based on the version that came back, I knew who would be the first to run their mouth. Didn't matter really, because they all told the story. And it made them all look stupid because each had passed on incorrect "confidential" information and could not come back to the source for verification.

Unless it's going to cause REAL problems for you, sit back, relax and watch the stupid show unfold in front of you. Remember, Chinese students are not expected to think for themselves - you have to do that for them. (For this reason it's a good idea to avoid bijiou induced hangovers)

From some of the other comments, I, too, am guessing you are at a training school - and not a good one either. If the T.A. is trying to tell you how to do your job it's likely because he,she,it is jealouse of your salary and/or believes the Chinese way of teaching is the best in the world. I can remember a marketing troll once tell me I didn't know my job. Confrontation was a bit underrated in that situation. As I have been advised, and now truly believe, the system IS broken and they will NOT fix it.

Re: Updating the resume - My version, "Nope, not looking for a new job. Just putting the best school first." Response, "Thank you, thank you". And I've got some PRIME swampland in Canada for sale too a--h---.

Big ears open, big mouth shut is the best way to go and, ever so quietly, build the escape tunnel. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

We all have our levels of tolerance and if ya really gotta go, then pack up and go. There are a lot of good schools in China with a lot of good teachers. Use this forum for some advice on the good, bad and the ugly. Watch your back (hell put your head on swivel) and good luck.

Messages In This Thread
Dealing with culture clash in the workplace, China/Asia -- Michael Shields -- 2008-12-05
Re: Dealing with culture clash in the workplace, China/Asia -- Li Bai -- 2008-12-10
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