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Li Bai - 2008-12-10
In response to a little advice (anon)

My friend

I've been here about six years and if up to date teaching materials will cost your school money YOU WILL BE IGNORED. And stand by for many, many more stupid bijiou induced ideas. We could probably fill this forum with some strange thinking on their part. The reality of private schools is the MONEY. But if they want you to train another foreign teacher ask for more. Sounds like they don't want to admit they made the mistake of hiring that person and want to put the burden in your lap. I've had that same problem and got out of by using differences in backgrounds (and I was lucky to be able to race and age) as differences in teaching styles. I'm here to teach English to Chinese students. If I have to teach foreigners as well, PAY me accordingly. All in all, that person will find his own self-destruct button. Just don't be too close when he pushes it.

That being said, a lot of students are in private schools because their PARENTS want them there. The kids have no interest whatsoever and look at English class as a time they can do the things that they cannot do in Chinese class. The foreign teacher is someone to be ignored at best; controlled at worst. Prevailing attitude: "I am the only child in the family and get whatever I want ergo I am the only child in this classroom and that stupid laowi has to respect me and my money". (The little emperor that we all know.)

Regarding your referral system. Try this one. I spent three months designing a class entry level test. Certain level - certain class. Some students who didn't even meet the minimum requirements were sitting in the highest level classes. Why? Money and presteige. I suggested to the parents of the qualified students that their children were not getting their money's worth because of too much time being spent on lower level kids. In a word I made the parents tell the school to get these brats out of my class. It worked, at least that time.

To a larger extent LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE. To the lesser, find that one (or two) student(s) who really WANT(S) TO LEARN. They are the ones who make this job fun and rewarding. More often than not it is the shyest little girl, who, with a smile and some encouragment from you, will open up and really surprise you.

Borrowing a line from the movie "The Guardian" - "I take the first one I come to, or the weakest in the group, and swim as fast as I can for as long as I can, and the sea takes the rest".

Parents at my school want me to "make their children love English" - an easy task with a few shenagins and stupid faces to get them laughing - but it's not teaching them anything. But five or ten minutes spent making sure the real learners understand the concept and the structure of the lesson - when that light comes on and you know they've got it - that is the reward.

I will not do the work for my students, something the lazy ones just hate me for, but those willing to TRY soon learn help is on the way. And they respond with even greater efforts.

I do competition training and they all have to get past me first before they entertain any thoughts of city, regional or national levels. This whole mess of trying to buy and sell a U.S. Senate seat is great for some of my kids. Some things just can't be bought - you have to work for it.

Positive reinforcement has been successful for me. Some Chinese think negative reinforcement "will make them work harder" but I counter with they have enough to do already. Ease up on all this homework nonsense. (Hate marking it anyway) Let them be children for a few while.

If it's of any help, you will not be the first or the last to get grey hair teaching at private schools. Go with the flow and help the ones you can.

Messages In This Thread
a little advice -- anon -- 2008-12-10
Re: a little advice -- AMonk -- 2008-12-10
Re: a little advice -- Li Bai -- 2008-12-10
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