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Gary Harwell - 2005-01-08

First, William Box.. and others... Thank you for your support.

Now, This is addressed to all who read this board...

What are you personally doing to improve the Human Condition where you are? Yes, it's nice to go and teach and get to know different cultures and all that. But, that's not enough. You(we) have to go beyond the classroom.

For example.... I have owned and run schools in Guatemala and Ecuador. I decided that 10% of the students would be scholarships. Those were reserved for people who just needed a break to help them get along better in life.

I have tried to provide scholarships to Unwed Mothers in Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia and Kazakhstan. Vladimir and Ivan knocked them up and then told them to take a hike. They just need a break to help them get a better job.

I've taught English under a Streetlight in Saudi Arabia.

Everything is beyond the regular classroom duties. What are you(we) as teachers doing to improve the Human Condition?

I'd like to know or see some examples, Unless you are against improving the Human Condition. In that case I'll understand if nothing shows up.

Gary Harwell

Messages In This Thread
But WHAT are you personally doing? -- Gary Harwell -- 2005-01-08
Doing your part... -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-10
Funs of being useful to someone. -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-09
You could give money to the tsunami victims -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-09
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