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druther not say - 2008-12-13

That's interesting. My present school, the same one that won't give me the reference, owes me a plane ticket home but I strongly suspect that's not going to happen. Presently I'm in a standoff situation with the FAO here. When I discovered I had been given an "unfavorable" rating by them I called the office and asked for a meeting. They didn't respond to my request. I'm not sure if they're attempting to wait me out or what the heck they're trying to do. There are 6 weeks left in the term. The most comical part of this whole deal is that the sole reason I've hung on here as long as I have is so that I could procure the reference they are now not going to give me. Had I known I wasn't going to get the reference I'd have been out of here ages ago.

My understanding is that a school CAN'T legally hire you if you don't have the reference letter, even if they want to. It's the law. (Yes, I know this is China and laws are kinda funny here but...) I have been in contact with a few "agents." (Yes, many are scum but I'm desperate here, I'll admit.) One immediately told me she simply cannot get me anything without the letter. Another suggested I have a "cordial" meeting with the FAO and a third swore the letter is no big deal and he can find me a job. I'm not sure I could remain "cordial" with a guy who has lied to my face so many times this past year. I don't mind going to another province but I'd strongly prefer not to go home. I'm American. Things are a mess right there now and plane fare there and back would totally tap me out. I'd have to ask for a place to stay from family members and endure other unpleasantness that I'd rather avoid. If I absolutely have to I guess I could do it.

One person I talked with suggested I contact the provincial office for foreign affairs. Does anyone out there think doing so would actually help? Or would it make matters even worse?

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Re: Reference letter update -- druther not say -- 2008-12-13
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