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Julie Zhang - 2005-01-09
In response to What a great China!!!!!!!!! (Guy)

I wonder when all these nonsense about hiring whites is going to stop. I am a new teacher, the middle school where was teaching got rid of our American couple because the poor lady's husband is Black. Our authorities told them that they do not want to hire a non-white - after 2 months of teaching. Both decided to leave and are now teaching in a nearby University.

What makes it more disappointing for me is that they employed another couple from Germany and appointed me their co-teacher. They keep telling everyone that they are Americans. When did Munich became a part of USA? What's worse is that I can hardly understand their English, they have got such a heavy German accent. When I asked my students what they have learned from the present teachers all of them said German's English.

This is what I heard when we observed one of their lessons.

Good Morning, we name is Oliver and she my wife Gretel. I and Gretel are Americans. We are born in Munich and still living in there 35 years.

When one of my student aked where Munich is, that id##t said "Europe, Munich is in Germany".

After their lesson, I took over and my students asked me this "Where about in America is Europe and Germany "?. I had to tell my students the truth and show them where Munich is on the map.

Words got around and now every students knew they are not Americans.Through another English teacher-they complained to my headmaster, and I was hauled into his office and told to shut up. I told him that I did no wrong, but he refused to listen to me and I walked out of his office returning half an hour later with my resignation letter. I left the school and my pay(1400rmb) for the month of December was docked. It's the way the system work in my country. As for me,I can live with that..it's not the money but a matter of principal and pride.

So please, all you foreign teachers out there do not complain. You're not the only one suffering. WE local teachers are in no better position than you are in. Well,I have decided not to set foot into teaching, ever again in my very own China.

To all you teachers out there, have fun teaching in my country's wacky teaching system. As for me, I'm going to head back to the country where I spent my University days after the Spring holidays.
Happy Spring Festival go all you folks.

Messages In This Thread
What a great China!!!!!!!!! -- Guy -- 2005-01-08
Sad really sad -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
Native Laowai -- Dos -- 2005-01-09
don't do that! -- frustrated! -- 2005-01-10
Thanks for standing up for what is right -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-09
Munich, N. Dakota/ Germany? -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-09
Thanks Alex -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
1400 rmb -- Matt E. -- 2005-01-09
Underpaid? -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
Re: Underpaid? -- Observer -- 2005-01-09
Why say it? -- Gary Jia la bi -- 2005-01-10
It's ok -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-10
You are great Guy! -- Lucy -- 2005-01-08
DESCRIMINATION -- bethanael -- 2005-01-20
What a GREAT GREAT CHINA 2!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Guy -- 2005-01-12
For the 64,000 time -- sm = simple mind -- 2005-01-08
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