Julie Zhang - 2005-01-09
In response to 1400 rmb (Matt E.)

> Greetings Julie. Did you feel that you were underpaid?
> Matt :)

I'm just a local chinese English teacher and I do not expect to get paid like some White non-native teachers employed by our school to rip off our ignorant students and their parents. Whatever that is, to me teaching is history as far as I'm concern.

Messages In This Thread
What a great China!!!!!!!!! -- Guy -- 2005-01-08
Sad really sad -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
Native Laowai -- Dos -- 2005-01-09
don't do that! -- frustrated! -- 2005-01-10
Thanks for standing up for what is right -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-09
Munich, N. Dakota/ Germany? -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-09
Thanks Alex -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
1400 rmb -- Matt E. -- 2005-01-09
Underpaid? -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
Re: Underpaid? -- Observer -- 2005-01-09
Why say it? -- Gary Jia la bi -- 2005-01-10
It's ok -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-10
You are great Guy! -- Lucy -- 2005-01-08
DESCRIMINATION -- bethanael -- 2005-01-20
What a GREAT GREAT CHINA 2!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Guy -- 2005-01-12
For the 64,000 time -- sm = simple mind -- 2005-01-08

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