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Turino - 2008-12-21

The college has already had its combined Xmas/NY party consisting of some performances given by the students.
But it was only attended by one (mug?) Louwai out of a total of five, silly me!
At first,I was escorted by a beautiful fresher to one end of the long table at the front.But the college head was seated at the opposite end,surely a bad sign!
It was just as well I took along a carry-out - 2 bottles of beer, and a pack of Hongtashan fags. Even so,I eventually couldn't resist the urge to leave prematurely,just before the Chinese teachers were to mount the stage to finish off the evening, perhaps not in the best style,with a "teachers' chorus".
Later some students said that my early departure was very funny,as it had made the leaders lose face.
But one must go when nature calls,leaders to be disappointed or not!

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Re: Jingle Bell Crocs -- Turino -- 2008-12-21
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