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Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-06

Likely you have heard this before but, are you nuts?

Chinese women, and I know more than you having lived here for years, care about 2 things, money, and marriage. If they marry its because of money, both are closely linked. Love is a distant second, believe me.

You must be flat out desperate man, and I tell ya, you are in for a whopping surprise. Chinese women, "have" to be in charge. If you don't let them be, they will beat you down until you do, or you have the sense to leave, or you die from old age.

The last thing you want to do is marry a "chinese" woman you met on the internet. Doing when you know them for real, that's bad enough, but the net? Dude, if you come here and live here, you will meet a lot of women, why the net. You must have seirous self esteem issues.

I am not trying to insult you, I am trying to save you a lifetime of misery. This woman, she is only marrying you to get the hell out of China. Yeah, she says she doesn't want to leave China, they all say that,m because they don't want you to think that's the only reason they are marrying you. Of course in the end it is, that and a better life, through money.

My friend, second think this, bigtime. For one thing, living in China, well, not so much fun. It can be, but ultimately there is a reason why she wants out.

As for benefits to being married to her. Sorry, this aint the USA buddy, you marry her you won't be a citizen or anyhting. You will have no special status at all.

Bottom line, it isn't worth it. Get off the net, stop being so shy, talk to real live women in America, don' come to China to get married, you will regret it, I promise you.

Messages In This Thread
American to Marry & Live in Wuhan - Hubei -- steve -- 2009-01-04
Re: American to Marry & Live in Wuhan - Hubei -- Not surprised anymore -- 2009-01-06
Re: American to Marry & Live in Wuhan - Hubei -- doesitmatter -- 2009-01-06
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