Julie Zhang - 2005-01-10
In response to Why say it? (Gary Jia la bi)

> Mr Observer,

> If you HATE to say it, why say it?

> If you think Julie was overpaid in earning
> 1400rmb per month ,then do you believe the Germans at her school are
> worthy of their wages?

No, problem Gary . Mr observer can critical of my English. I'm not ashame of of that,the truth is that I'm proud and stand tall amongst the millions of English learners in China and the rest of the world. The one that should be ashameful- is he himself.

How many of his students are able to hold a candle towards me-"A Non-English major" .

I got my BA in Business from a country where English is not their native but first language. Furthermore, I did not have the liberty of being taught by a Native English Speaker throughout my schooling days >:-( .

He should count himself lucky and appreciate countries wanting to learn English for communication purposes. If it is not for this fact, he could possibly be busing dishes somewhere back in his home country.

Messages In This Thread
What a great China!!!!!!!!! -- Guy -- 2005-01-08
Sad really sad -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
Native Laowai -- Dos -- 2005-01-09
don't do that! -- frustrated! -- 2005-01-10
Thanks for standing up for what is right -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-09
Munich, N. Dakota/ Germany? -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-09
Thanks Alex -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
1400 rmb -- Matt E. -- 2005-01-09
Underpaid? -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-09
Re: Underpaid? -- Observer -- 2005-01-09
Why say it? -- Gary Jia la bi -- 2005-01-10
It's ok -- Julie Zhang -- 2005-01-10
You are great Guy! -- Lucy -- 2005-01-08
DESCRIMINATION -- bethanael -- 2005-01-20
What a GREAT GREAT CHINA 2!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Guy -- 2005-01-12
For the 64,000 time -- sm = simple mind -- 2005-01-08

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