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Jack Kanoi - 2005-01-11
In response to Are you an extraordinary teacher?- Repost (An Inquiring Mind)

That was a wonderful and appropriate post, Clement. As I was reading through, my mind transported me to my classes and the students I interacted with and I recalled with a twinge of excitement and remorse the wonderful times I've had in class, the gleam of growing confidence in a reticent student's eyes, the excitement in another's and their touching and warm words afterwards.
Sadly, it all seems so long and far away...today, no school/university in China/Japan/Taiwan/SK wants me because of the very same bias mentioned in the post, that teachers and educators must guard against. Yes, that's true and that's the case despite my reasonable education (a bachelor's degree in Eng. Lit. and three years' esl teaching experience). Some students have continued to keep in touch with me via email and keep asking me to come back. But, teachers are hired by 'managers' and they have their own set of rules, often merely to attract students and their money and not to teach them, not to 'educate' them.
Truth, as in what 'is' in the world of men is often subservient to the very lies it pretends to fight against.

Messages In This Thread
Are you an extraordinary teacher?- Repost -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-09
Extraordinary teachers - wise teachers hired by wise 'men' -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-01-11
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Extraordinary teachers - wise teachers hired by wise 'men'

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